Taste the Thanebow!
If you have never ridden Skiddles, you need them RIGHT NOW. They are our Warehouse Guy Christian's absolute favorite wheel and he goes through them like candy. He says all the time, "They literally feel like you melted about 5 packs of Skittles together, poured them in the shape of a wheel and slapped some bearings in them."
They're so darn sugary and tend to kill a pretty good amount of speed. They thane everywhere and in different colors. Got a super chundery hill? These wheels accel at crappy pavement. They're super easy to slide and are extremely controlable.
For your OCD satisfaction, these wheels come in a ton of different colors so you can match it to the rest of your setup.
Designed for:
Freeride | Fast Freeride | Light Downhill | Drawing a Masterpiece on the Pavement | Impressing Girls
- Diameter: 70mm
- Width: 45mm
- Contact Patch: 29mm
- Durometer: 78a
- Lip Profile: Rounded
- Core Placement: Offset
- Contact Patch Surface: Stoneground Yo
Comes in 6 Colors:
Orange | Blue | Yellow | Green | Purple | Mixed