Our skate paradise is well hidden, so we've made a guide on how to find it!
1. This is our address: 19815 Hamilton Ave, Torrance, CA 90502
2. Drive in from Hamilton Avenue. Not from Vermont Avenue. We are located in the business park called "Hamilton Gateway Center" across from CHP.
3. Once you've taken the turn from Hamilton Avenue you should see a big building in front of you (Holiday Inn). Move towards the building until you reach the end of the street.
4. On your right you will see a white building with the numbers 19815 on its top corner.

5. You are at the correct building. On the door it should say 'Stoked Ride Shop'. There should also be a black sign out front saying to "Go to the gate"
6. Follow the sign pointing to go to the gate. You can park your car in our gated area.
7. Enter into our warehouse, we are just inside!
8. You've reached your destination! Feel free to just walk in! No knocking needed.