Stoked School
Skateboard vs. Longboard - The Definitive Guide
Skateboarding and longboarding can seem like the same thing to a novice, but they are actually more different than you may think.

Stoked School: Beginners Guide to Getting your First Skateboard
You’ve come to the right place to learn everything you need to know in this barebones brief on buying your first board. With this we will be assuming that you want to purchase a pre-built complete....

5 Easiest Longboard Tricks to Learn Today
We've teamed up with Brandon DesJarlais to bring you Stoked School; a YouTube series created to help improve your skating in all capacities.
In this first installment we break down the 5 Easiest L...

6 Bad Habits of Every Skateboarder
Bad habits unconsciously hold us back, and you can find this to be true everywhere in life. Whether we are out skating, trying to communicate an idea or are simply figuring out a new skill. They a...